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Daring women of color to answer the question “What do you truly want?” with MORE boldness, creativity and honesty.



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a must for high achieving women of color!!

“Truly podcast gold. Monique has a gift for holding space for women wishing to step into their greatness. Her perspectives are rich with wisdom from years of coaching experience, and her focus on WOC adds a level of depth and nuance missing in other spaces. High value, all the time, subscribe now!”

meet your host


Hi! I’m Monique, the creator and host of the Ambition Without Compromise (AWC) podcast.

I started this podcast for two reasons: 1) As an executive coach to women of color CEOs and Founders, no matter how brilliant and accomplished someone might be, they continuously had to come back to answering the question “How do I know what I want?” and 2) With all of the amazing podcasts that #WOC have started in the past few years to help inspire us for how to build our businesses and dream lives, there seemed to be a gap in leading the conversation around how we actually connect with what the dream is in the first place?

When I learned to successfully engage with this question myself, it changed my entire life and it’s a strength I bring to my clients in our work together each day. AWC is my chance to share this work with all womxn in pursuit of their North Stars… and I’m so glad you’re here to join us.